PAINTING Paseo aquoso, 120×120 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseo aquoso” (Walking on water), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm
Showing 1–12 of 16 results
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseo aquoso” (Walking on water), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseo por la vereda del lago” (Walking by the lake), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseo salpicado de azul”, akrylic on wood, 240 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Múltiples formas de pasear por la fama” (Multiple forms of Fame-stroll), akrylic on wood, 240 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseo corto pero enriquecedor” (Short but rewarding walk), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseando con nocturnidad y alevosía” (Walking in the night), akrylic on wood, 240 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseando entre las nubes” (walking in the clouds), akrylic on wood, 240x120x3cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero. Title: “Paseo bajo cielo Ibicenco” (Walk under the sky of ibiza), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseo bajo el Sol” (walking under the Sun), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseo por el prado” (Walking on the meadow), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “Paseo psicodélico” (Psychedelic walk), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm
Original Artwork / Painting of spanish artist Rafael Tejero, Title: “El paseo de un gato embarrador” (Walk of a muddy cat), akrylic on wood, 120 x 120 x 3 cm